My two pet marketing peeves in food and drink products.

Marketing, which I’ve had a role in for over 20 years, has a lot to answer for in helping confuse us all on what is the right thing to eat.

The marketing that annoys me the most is when food or drink products are labelled “Low Fat” or “No Sugar” with the hint that this will help you loose weight! It most probably won’t! And it will most probably make you unhealthier!

I once heard a quote from David Ogilvy (founder of the gloabl advertising agency Ogilvy), that has stayed with me: “The consumer is not a moron, she is your wife”.

We, the consumers, are not morons. However, when we simply aren’t taught any better, there is an opportunity for marketers to use that weakness to sell more product.

So in this weeks blog, I’m here to debunk two marketing myths and hopefully help you realise that there is no shiny product that will help you loose weight.

Spoiler alert, you already know what you need to do to loose weight.

Why Low-Fat Foods Might Not Be the Best for Weight Loss:

  1. Hidden Sugar Content: When fat is taken out of foods, the taste goes down. It is simply yuk! So sugar is added in good amounts to make you like the product and come back for more. For example, low-fat yogurts tend to have higher sugar levels than their full-fat counterparts. And if you have been following my blogs, it’s usually sugar that will put weight on you, not fat.

  2. Lack of feeling full: Fats play a role in making us feel full and satisfied after a meal. So when fat is removed, you will most probably get hungrier sooner. Which might then lead to eating more food which you don’t really need. Catch-22.

  3. Processed Nature: Many low-fat foods are highly processed and may contain additives, preservatives, and other substances that aren’t great for your health. Honestly when you look at some of the ingredients in these products, you need a chemistry degree to understand them. Have a look next time you reach for that low-fat snack bar and you might find artificial colourings, additives and even trans fats that are super unhealthy. It really isn’t worth it.

  4. Nutrient Absorption: Certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are fat-soluble, which means they require fat to be absorbed into your body. Consuming very low-fat diets might lead to deficiencies in these essential vitamins, affecting overall health.

Does no-sugar help in weight loss?
Well if low-fat food products are a no-no for weight loss, then how about no-sugar. Surely that is a good alternative?

Well that depends. If you truly want to be healthy and have your body function at peak performance to get great energy, sleep and avoid chronic illnesses. The no-sugar products may not be the best way forward for you either. Here’s why.

Artificial Sweeteners: Many sugar-free products contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, or saccharin. While these are deemed safe by health authorities I want you to think about this (because remember, you are not a moron). Is putting something that has been chemically produced in a lab really fit for your beautiful, organic ancient bio-computer of a body? I think not! There's ongoing debate about their impact of artificial sweetners on long-term health and metabolism. Some studies suggest they might disrupt the gut microbiome, potentially affecting weight regulation. I’ve also seen studies that potentially linked aspartame to cancers in rats. A big no go for me!

Eating More: I’ve seen that sometimes clients who are focused on calorie intake and consume no-sugar products can feel like they have achieved and ‘done good’ because their calorie intake is low. This then can lead to ‘I deserve a treat’ or ‘I can now afford to eat XYZ’. Almost compensating and negating the reduction in calorie intake.

Lack of Nutritional Value: Sugar-free doesn’t equate to healthy. Many sugar-free products tend to lack essential nutrients found in naturally sweetened fruits and vegetables. Always opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods. Your body is organic. It’s not an artificial chemical experiment. Feed it with whole foods and watch yourself thrive.

Potential Cravings: Artificial sweeteners can sometimes perpetuate a craving for sweetness. And what will this do? It will lead you to seek out more sugary or sweet-tasting foods elsewhere.

What I Would Suggest for Weight Loss:

Weight loss is a very big and complex subject and one that I can work with you on, if that is your goal. It’s so bio-individual and can’t be solved in a blog or in a 3 week meal plan.

However, here are some tips, that I know you know already, but always a good reminder.

  1. Embrace Healthy Fats: I know, contradictory, but eating healthy fats actually helps you loose fat! So make sure you have avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish as part of your diet . These fats not only provide essential nutrients but will also make you feel full for longer.

  2. Whole Foods Over Processed: Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible. Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can contribute to a well-rounded and nutritious diet. Basically try and avoid the middle section of the supermarket. Stay on the outside where all the fresh and chilled foods reside. Middle sections of most supermarkets are where the processed foods live.

  3. Mindful Portions: Pay attention to you portion size, regardless of fat content. I’ve switched to an entreé plate at dinner which has helped me reduce my portions and I can tell you, I’m never hungry.

  4. Balanced Eating: Focus on a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients from different food groups rather than fixating solely on fat content or no-sugar content.

    Another fabulous quote that might help you think about your approach to weight loss. I got this from Dr Libby:

    “You don’t loose weight to become healthy, you become healthy to loose weight”

    Put the mask on you first, don’t do low-fat or no-sugar and thrive again!

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