My Story

French lunch

Looking back, I can see how the love of food, nutrition, health and nature was instilled in me from an early age.

I was born in Calcutta, India from a French mother and Hungarian Father and along with my younger sister we lived in India, Pakistan, Korea, Singapore, Australia as well as France. I’m now raising my own family, with my husband Nigel, in New Zealand.

My love of growing, cooking and eating food stemmed from my french grandmother. Being with her as she hand flipped crêpes, cooked up the strawberries from her garden into a magical jam that made everything feel better or simply eating her amazing meals, that were of course all hand made, inspired me.

Vegetable Garden

My curiosity and breadth of food experience grew as we lived all over Asia, finally settling in Australia where my mum too was a chef in the kitchen cooking up asian inspired dishes.

Although I’ve always loved food, I’ve also had a tough relationship with it. In my teens, I was emotionally eating big time and that was reflected in both my weight and health. This continued into my early 20s where I ended up with an autoimmune disease, Guttate Psoriasis.

By the time I hit 25 I was on the rollercoaster of coffee, take aways and of course wine to de-stress! I slept badly, had brain fog, always felt exhausted, bad skin, bad breath, psoriasis legions everywhere and basically not feeling great about myself at all!

There had to be a better way, and so began my journey into Health, Wellbeing and Food.

Livia Cooking

Fast forward 25 years and I’ve never felt more alive, filled with vitality for what life throws at me and feeling great in my body, mind and spirit.

What saddens me though, is watching many of my peers and my friends, who are not coping in the same way. They are exhausted, burning out, losing their passion for their role and sometimes the meaning for their life. I keep hearing the same thing again and again. “Liv, how do you keep your energy levels and spirits up?”.

Which led me to the realisation that after 25 years of building health and nutrition knowledge alongside my experience as a leader, I could help so many more leaders thrive. Every. Single. Day.

If you want to do the same, click below for a quick 15min chat to find out what is possible.