Want to stop energy crashes?


I don’t know about you, but getting to mid afternoon to have your energy levels low and crawling through the last few meetings of the afternoon isn’t great.

Some time it’s as simple as a sugar crash..so what do you do..reach out for the next hit of sugar!

In this weeks blog, I’m focusing on giving you sugar alternatives that will give you some sweetness but reduce the ups and downs in your day and help you gain sustained energy back.

Before we kick in, remember that almost all processed foods have some form of hidden sugar in them. So ideally if you want to cut down on refined sugar, cut down on your intake of processed foods. If you really want to reduce sugar, head back to my first two blogs here and here and discover where the sugars are hidden and how to reduce your cravings!

Now to head into what you can do in your kitchen to reduce refined sugar in your meals.

Nature's golden elixir, honey, has been a cherished sweetener for centuries. Packed with antioxidants honey not only sweetens but also provides health benefits. It can be used as a replacement in teas, even coffee (my mother does this!), baking and so many dishes.

The succulent sweetness of dates makes them an ideal sugar substitute. High in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, dates offer a natural caramel-like flavor. They are great blended into a smoothie (which I do often) or incorporated into energy bars and some cakes as well.


Maple Syrup:
Derived from the sap of maple trees, maple syrup is a rich and distinctive sweetener. With a lower glycemic index than refined sugar, it provides a slower release of energy. Choose 100% pure maple syrup, not the artificial ones that are full of chemicals..

Rice Syrup:
Crafted from fermented cooked rice, rice syrup is a versatile sweetener that works well in both sweet and savory dishes. Its mild flavor and smooth consistency make it an excellent alternative for those seeking a natural and minimally processed sweetener. I use it often in sauces and also sometimes in baking.

Rich and robust, molasses is a byproduct of the sugar refining process, retaining some of the nutrients stripped away from refined sugar. Blackstrap molasses, in particular, is a concentrated source of iron, calcium, and magnesium. Its strong flavor enhances baked goods and savory dishes alike.: I’m personally not a huge fan of this but maybe I don’t have the right recipes?

Coconut Sugar:
Made from the sap of coconut palm trees, coconut sugar is a natural sweetener that retains some nutrients found in the coconut palm. While it still contains calories, it has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar, causing a slower rise in blood sugar levels. Its caramel-like flavor makes it a great substitute in recipes that call for a more robust sweetness. Again I use this in smoothies, baking and some asian sauces alike.

Why These Natural Alternatives?

  1. Nutrient Boost: Honey, dates, maple syrup, rice syrup, and molasses offer a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing nutritional benefits beyond sweetness. So you aren’t eating empty calories.

  2. Balanced Energy Release: Natural sweeteners often have a lower glycemic index, resulting in a more gradual and sustained release of energy, avoiding blood sugar spikes. These spikes end up causing energy crashes which is the last thing you need on a busy day with so many reliant on you.

  3. Versatility: These natural alternatives can be easily incorporated into a variety of recipes, from breakfast to sauces to desserts . I know it can be hard to change out from what you use normally, but give it a go. Put your refined sugar at the back of the cupboard and give one or two of these alternatives a go in your recipes. They are really versatile!

Incorporating Natural Sweeteners into a Busy Lifestyle:
I know that as a busy busy person you don’t want yet another thing to think about or change, particularly in your routine at home. I also know that you are keen to get your health in the right space (or you wouldn’t be reading these blogs!). So let me say this, integrating these natural sweeteners can be a really seamless process. Here are a few tips on how:

  1. Simple Swaps: Replace refined sugar in one thing you eat or drink often. LIke your coffee or tea or a recipe you make often. Hide your refined sugar out of reach and see how that goes.

  2. Snacking with Purpose: Choose snacks that incorporate natural sweeteners, such as date energy bars or yogurt topped with honey and fresh fruit or even simply a piece of fresh fruit!

  3. DIY Convenience: Prepare simple dressings or sauces using natural sweeteners during your meal prep on the weekend to have healthier options readily available during busy days. I find having things at the ready really helps me.

  4. Don’t forget sweet vegetables: Some vegetables are naturally sweet like carrots and sweet potatoes. Use these as well in your diet to ‘crowd out’ other less healthy ingredients and still satisfy that sweet hit.

Sugar really is at the basis of a lot of health issues and the amount we consume either consciously or unconsciously (because they are hidden in a lot of our foods), can cause wide ranging damage to our physical and mental health. Give these natural alternatives a go and see how you can continue to reduce refined sugar in your diet.

Put the mask on you first, swap out your sugar and thrive again!

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The Sweet Shackles