Mindfulness: buzz word or non-negotiable?

Week 3 into my series on stress and mindfulness for leaders, and I’m going to touch on a subject that you’ve all probably heard about and have varying understanding about.


First…what is mindfulness, I hear you ask?

It’s become such a buzzword, but at its core, mindfulness is simply the art of being fully present in the current moment, without judgment. It's a mental state that involves bringing one's attention to the experiences happening in the now. You don’t need to be a buddhist, have studied for year or buy a special pillow to sit on. You just need you and an open mind.

A simple 10-minute daily mindfulness practice can be incredibly transformative. For you and for your team and in this weeks blog, that’s what I’m going to talk to you about. I hope you give this a go!

Why is Mindfulness so important for leaders?

You are stressed, the pressure is unrelenting and yet another staff member comes to you with an issue. How do you stay calm? How do you stay resilient? How do you not end up in a corner rocking backwards and forwards!? Importantly, how do you make great, considered decisions?

That's where mindfulness steps in as your secret weapon. It's a game-changing practice that can revolutionise your approach to leadership. Here's why it deserves a spot on your daily agenda:

  1. Enhanced Focus and Decision-Making: Mindfulness sharpens your focus, enabling you to navigate through complex decisions with clarity and precision.

  2. Stress Reduction: The demands of leadership can be stressful. Mindfulness is your escape route, providing a mental oasis amidst the chaos.

  3. Improved Emotional Intelligence: Leaders with high emotional intelligence are better equipped to understand and navigate the dynamics of their team. Mindfulness cultivates this essential leadership trait.

  4. Boosted Creativity: Creativity often thrives in moments of quiet reflection. Mindfulness creates the mental space for innovative ideas to blossom. My husband, a great leader, often escapes his office and takes himself off for a mindful walk. Usually he comes up with great ideas or solutions and is able to look at the problem from a different and better perspective. He swears by this!

The Ripple Effect: Benefits for You and Your Team

Implementing a 10-minute daily mindfulness practice isn't just about your own wellbeing; it's a gift to your entire team. Here's how your mindfulness journey can create positive ripples within your leadership circle:

  1. Calm Leadership Presence: A mindful leader exudes calmness, which has a reassuring impact on the team. Remainging calm in challenging moments becomes a guiding light to your team.
    I’ve had quite a few leaders (and I still see them) thinking if they look busy and ‘running around’ that it looks as though they are important. Honestly it couldn’t be further from the truth!

  2. Team Morale and Collaboration: A leader practicing mindfulness sets the stage for a positive work environment. Team members are more likely to collaborate and support each other in such a nurturing atmosphere.

  3. Enhanced Communication: Mindfulness sharpens your communication skills. Clarity in communication reduces misunderstandings and fosters a transparent work culture.

  4. Resilient Leadership: Mindfulness nurtures resilience—a crucial trait for leaders. In the face of setbacks, a resilient leader bounces back, inspiring the team to do the same.

So now that we know why this is important and the far reaching impact these 10-minute mindful practices have on your team…let’s dive in and have a go!


The 10-Minute Daily Mindfulness Practice

You might read the prompts below and think - “Is that all? Is that really going to make a big difference?”.

Yes, it is, because like most things in this world that are powerful, it’s simple. Doing this daily is where the magic comes in!

I remember an executive coach who I worked with when I was earlier in my career as a leader. He would constantly remind me to slow down to speed up and I never got it. Then one day I started this practice and, I kid you not, at our next session, 6 weeks later, we sat down and within 5 minutes he asked “what are you doing differently? Your energy has changed?”. I hadn’t said a word prior to this about mindfulness. I hadn’t become a monk overnight, but he had clearly picked up on a shift (that even I hadn’t!). Imagine what my team were picking up on!

Give it a go, you won’t regret it (and nor will your team).

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Retreat to a quiet corner where you won't be interrupted. It could be your office, a cozy nook, or even a park bench.

  2. Sit Comfortably: Sit in a comfortable yet alert position. If you're at your desk, keep your feet flat on the ground, and your hands resting on your lap.

  3. Focus on Your Breath: Close your eyes gently and bring your attention to your breath. Feel the sensation of each inhale and exhale. If your mind wanders, gently guide it back to your breath.

  4. Body Scan: Take a moment to scan your body from head to toe. Notice any areas of tension and consciously release them.

  5. Mindful Observation: Open your eyes and bring mindful awareness to your surroundings. Notice the colors, shapes, and textures around you without judgment.

  6. Gratitude Reflection: Take a moment to reflect on something you're grateful for. It could be a recent success, a supportive team member, or even the warmth of sunlight.

  7. Return to the Present: Conclude the practice by returning your focus to your breath. Take a few deep breaths before slowly opening your eyes.

Congratulations! You've just invested 10 minutes in your well-being, setting the tone for a day of mindful leadership.

If you’d prefer to listen to a guide, there are many apps including Insight Timer, Calm and Breathe. You’ll definitely find something there.

A little tip before I head off, book these in your diary! Block out 15mins. You can find 15mins mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Or even as part of your morning routine!

Put the mask on you first, do a 10-minute mindfulness practice and thrive again!

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Leading with Zen - creating a stress free workplace.