Nourishing Your Second Brain

As we step into February, the month of love, I wanted to highlight a love affair that's often overlooked—the one between our gut and our brain. That's right; I’m going to open up a world that has captivated me, the world of gut health and its profound influence on our mental and physical well-being.

It’s only in recent times that scientists have discovered more and more that this connection is critical and in fact that the gut has a bigger influence on our brains than many would have thought.

I honestly LOVE this stuff! Let’s go!

The Gut-Brain Connection: A Symphony of Wellness

Deep within our digestive system lies a powerhouse often referred to as our "second brain" — the gut. It's not just responsible for processing the food we consume; it plays a really big role in our overall well-being. The gut and the brain are in constant communication, forming what scientists call the gut-brain axis. This intricate connection influences everything from our mood to our energy levels.

Why Gut Health should matter to you?

  1. Mental Clarity: A healthy gut gives you mental sharpness. The gut-brain axis ensures that the brain receives the necessary nutrients, which then gives you strong brain function, focus, and memory. Who doesn’t want that!?

  2. Mood Stability: Imbalances in the gut can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, and even depression. On the other hand a well-nurtured gut supports the production of neurotransmitters that enhance mood and emotional well-being. Did you know that 95% of the hormone serotonine (the happy hormone) is produced in your gut!!?? So if you don’t look after your gut, you could be faced with negative feelings!

  3. Energy Reservoir: The nutrients derived from our food not only fuel the body but also power the brain. An unhealthy gut can make nutrient absorption harder, leading to fatigue and a lack of mental clarity. Hello brain fog!! On the flip side, a well-nourished gut provides the energy needed for peak mind and body performance.

Nurturing Your Gut for Optimal Wellness

So now we know why it’s important, particularly for leaders. Here are 8 ways you can help your gut-brain axis right now and reap the benefits of mental clarity and more energy!

Probiotics Power: Cultivate a Microbial Wonderland

Probiotics are the superheroes of the gut world. Introduce a variety of probiotic-rich foods into your diet. Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso are fantastic choices. Many are basically fermented foods. Probiotics help maintain a diverse and balanced gut microbiome, enhancing digestion and supporting immune function.

Fiber Fuel: Embrace the Rainbow of Whole Foods

Once you have a good microbiome, you want to maintain it and so you need to feed your little microbes! Fiber isn't just for maintaining digestive regularity; it's also a feast for your gut microbes. Choose colorful fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. These fiber-rich foods act as prebiotics, the food for the microbes!

Hydration Matters: Sip Smart for Gut Health

Water is the unsung hero of gut health. It aids in digestion, nutrient absorption, and the overall smooth functioning of your digestive system. Make it a habit to stay well-hydrated throughout the day. Herbal teas and infused water with slices of cucumber or mint are fabulous choices.
The other little hack I have is to get yourself a 1 litre reusable water bottle. I just got one over Christmas (upgraded from 750ml). Weird how this actually made a difference to the quantity I was drinking! Now I sip on it all day and actually get at least 2 litres of water into my system. Yeup, I do go to the toilet a lot but it’s worth it!

Slowing down: There are no teeth in your gut!

Now this is not an easy one for me. I do tend to vacuum my food! So I’m working on it because this is a really important deal for a healthy gut. So, slow down and savor the flavors of your meals. Chew your food thoroughly. Some say 35 chews per mouthful. I say, until it becomes a real moosh in your mouth.

Diversify Your Diet: A Feast for Microbial Diversity

If you don’t feed your microbes, they will die and then you won’t have the diversity you need for a healthy gut. Try to include a wide variety of foods because this diversity nourishes different strains of bacteria in your gut. Don't be afraid to experiment with new ingredients, seasonal produce, and global cuisines. Your gut microbes love a buffet of diverse goodies.

Limit Highly Processed Foods: Preserve Gut Harmony

Processed foods often contain additives, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners that may disrupt the delicate balance of your gut microbiome. Limit your intake of highly processed foods and opt for whole, nutrient-dense options. Your gut will thank you for the clean and nourishing fuel.

Consider Sugar Intake: Taming the Sweet Tooth for Gut Health

While a moderate amount of naturally occurring sugars in whole foods like fruits is generally fine, the real concern lies with the excessive consumption of added sugars. These are the sugars that find their way into our diets through sugary beverages, sweets, processed foods, and hidden sugars in various packaged products. Excessive sugar intake can disrupt the delicate balance of the gut microbiome, which can then grow harmful bacteria while potentially diminishing the population of beneficial ones.

So basically think of your gut as the foundation for your brain and energy health. Look after it and it will look after you!

Put the mask on you first, look after your gut and thrive again!

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Eat for energy and brain clarity!


Mindfulness: buzz word or non-negotiable?