Leading with Zen - creating a stress free workplace.

Hello and welcome to the second blog in this series on stress!

So now that you’ve learnt how to hold onto your own Zen when coming back to work from holidays (last weeks blog here), we are going to shift our focus on how to take your zen and lead with it.

As the captain of your ship, your well-being doesn't just benefit you; it sets the tone for your entire crew.

The Leaders Sanctuary: Navigating Stress with Grace

We all know that leading a team is no easy feat. The responsibilities, deadlines, issues that come at you from left field and constant decision-making can feel like a pressure cooker.
Yet, in the midst of the chaos, finding your sanctuary is crucial. It starts with acknowledging the impact stress has on your own well-being and, consequently, on your team. Below are a few thoughts I’ve used in my career to help me steady myself.

  1. Mindful Leadership: Before diving into the day's demands, take a moment for mindfulness. A short meditation or mindful breathing exercise sets the tone for a calm and focused day. I did this in the car before heading into the office or in a room before heading into a meeting. Starting the day centered can positively impact everyone around you.

  2. Boundaries Matter: Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life is a game-changer. Your team looks to you for cues on work-life balance.
    When my kids were younger, as a single mum, I would leave the advertising agency I was leading at 4pm most days to take my kids home and enjoy my evening routine with them. Then, knowing they were all good, I was able to jump back online when I needed to. To be honest, I knew that if I didn’t spend this time with them I would be so stressed that I would be unproductive in my role at work. Although it did cause a few ripples to begin with, many embraced this and I was thanked by a lot of the younger team members for showing that it was possible to balance both. Which leads me to…

  3. Lead by Example: If you're implementing workplace wellness initiatives, make sure you're at the forefront. Whether it's participating in team challenges, taking breaks, or embracing a healthy work culture, your actions speak louder than any policy. I’ve played social indoor netball (and been thrashed!), sat on the boardroom floor practicing meditation with my team and yoga. Walking meetings are another favourite of mine!

The Domino Effect: How a Leader's Stress Impacts the Team

Picture this: A typical day as a leader, you are under constant stress, juggling tasks with a sense of urgency, and lacking visible self-care. It's a recipe for a stressed-out team. Here's how your stress can cast its shadow:

  1. Team Morale Takes a Hit: As a leader you set the emotional tone for your team. If stress is the dominant emotion at the top, it trickles down, affecting the overall morale and enthusiasm. I even see it in some emails from leaders where they ‘sound’ so stressed and out of breath..on an email!…not great.

  2. Productivity Suffers: If you are constantly stressed you can create an environment where stress becomes the norm. This, in turn, hampers creativity, innovation, and overall productivity of your team.

  3. Increased Turnover: A stressed work environment is also a breeding ground for unhappy staff. Team members might start looking for healthier work environments, leading to higher turnover rates. And when that happens, your stress levels sky rocket again with that gut wrenching knowledge that you have to go through the entire recruitment and induction process again! Avoid this and help create a great work environment. Here are a few tips on how!

Creating a Stress-Free Haven for Your Team

A stress-free team is a powerhouse of productivity and creativity. Here's how you, as a leader, can foster workplace wellness:

  1. Open Communication Channels: Encourage open conversations about stress and mental well-being. Make it clear that seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

  2. Flexible Schedules: I know this one might be controversial particularly after COVID (which has made this easier) and balancing team culture with members absent, however, implementing flexible work hours or remote work options can significantly reduce stress. Trust your team to deliver results, regardless of where they're working.

  3. Wellness Programs: Initiate wellness programs that cater to both physical and mental health. This could include yoga sessions, mindfulness workshops, or team-building activities. Remember to get in there and lead from the front!

  4. Recognition and Appreciation: Did you know that from a brain perspective you need to give people 5 positive affirmations for every negative they get. Some researchers even advocate 6:1! It’s simply how our brains are wired. To look for the negative. So, regularly acknowledging and appreciating your team's hard work is a great de-stresser which also boosts morale and creates a positive work environment.

In conclusion, leading with zen is not just about your own well-being; it's about shaping a culture of wellness within your team and organisation. Remember, a stress-free leader is the wind beneath the wings of a thriving, motivated team.

Wishing you a week filled with balance, productivity, and well-deserved moments of calm.

Put the mask on you first, lead with zen and thrive again!

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