Fueling effective leadership

In this next 4 part series, I’m going to go deeper on sleep. Sleep is honestly the absolute foundation of all health. You could eat all the greens in the world, exercise, never drink alcohol or coffee again but if you don’t have good sleep, all your efforts mean you are starting from a negative health position. Not great!

You already know the basics—that good sleep is crucial for cognitive function and emotional stability. But let’s dig deeper into the profound connection between sleep and leadership effectiveness, and explore actionable insights on how to prioritise and protect your sleep amidst your demanding schedule.

It really is not ok to say ‘I’m good on 6 hours sleep’ because I can almost guarantee you, you’re not. And if you truly are, imagine what you would be like if you actually got the required 7-9 hours sleep a night! Unstoppable!!

The Deeper Science of Sleep:

Let's start by understanding the intricate ways in which sleep influences your leadership abilities. Beyond basic rest, quality sleep facilitates neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and reorganise itself. This adaptability is essential for learning, problem-solving, and innovation—key components of effective leadership.

During Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, the brain processes emotions, helps resolve them, and strengthens emotional intelligence, enabling you to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics with finesse. Additionally, deep sleep stages (NREM stages 3 and 4) are when the brain detoxifies itself, clearing out neurotoxins that can impair cognitive function. This is crucial for maintaining clarity, focus, and decision-making prowess.

On the left is a brain that’s had 8 hours sleep and on the right, it’s 6 hours. You can literally see the difference!

Credit “Fit for Duty”

Sleep and Executive Function:

Executive function— it’s the set of cognitive processes including working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control— and it is heavily influenced by sleep. Sleep deprivation disrupts these processes, leading to difficulties in prioritising tasks, making decisions, and managing time effectively.

As a leader, you need your executive function firing on all cylinders to steer your organisation towards success. I heard someone today say to me that by the end of the week they were ‘gaga’ and just needed to catch up on sleep over the weekend, only to deprive themselves of sleep again for the next week!
Beyond Practical Tips: Integrating Sleep Hygiene into Your Life

You’re familiar with the basics: maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and limiting screen time before bed. Let’s go a step further and explore how to integrate these tips seamlessly into your high-octane life.

  1. Calendar Commitment:

    • Schedule sleep like you schedule important meetings. Block out 7-8 hours in your calendar and treat it as non-negotiable. Protect this time from late-night work or social engagements. Communicate this commitment to your team and family so they understand and respect your boundaries.

  2. Evening Rituals with a Twist:

    • Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your evening routine. Apps like Insight Timer, Headspace or Calm offer guided sessions specifically designed for winding down. These practices can help transition your mind from the high-stakes decisions of the day to a state of relaxation, enhancing your ability to fall asleep quickly and deep

Kiwifruit is known to enhance sleep quality!

3. Tech-Managed Environment:

  • Utilise technology to create an optimal sleep environment. Smart thermostats can ensure your bedroom stays at the ideal sleep temperature (around 18°C). White noise machines or apps can drown out disruptive sounds, and blackout curtains or sleep masks can keep your room dark, signaling to your body that it’s time to sleep.

    4. Dietary Precision:

  • Beyond avoiding heavy meals and caffeine, consider foods that promote sleep, like a small serving of almonds or a kiwifruit an hour before bed. Both are known to enhance sleep quality. Also, maintain a balanced diet throughout the day to prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes that can interfere with sleep. And of course - ditch that ‘I deserve it’ glass of wine. You deserve a good nights sleep!

    5. Work-Life Integration:

  • Embrace a work culture that values rest. Encourage your team to take breaks and prioritise their sleep, setting an example by doing the same. Implement policies that discourage after-hours emails and promote flexible working hours, enabling your team to manage their sleep better.

    6. Advanced Sleep Tracking:

  • Invest in a high-quality sleep tracker to gain insights into your sleep patterns. Devices like the Oura Ring or advanced features in smartwatches can provide data on your sleep stages, heart rate variability, and overall sleep efficiency. I wear a Fitbit to sleep every night and always love to wake up to the results. Especially if I’ve tweaked something in my routine to try and optimise my sleep…yes I’m a nerd! But you too can use this data to make informed adjustments to your sleep habits and environment.

You can elevate your leadership through sleep:

In the relentless pursuit of excellence, it's easy to overlook sleep as a critical component of leadership. However, understanding the deeper connections between quality rest and executive function can transform how you approach your role. By integrating advanced sleep hygiene practices and leveraging technology, you can ensure that sleep becomes a powerful tool in your leadership arsenal.

So, as we continue our journey about sleep over the next 4 weeks, let’s make a collective commitment to prioritise sleep, not just as a basic necessity, but as a strategic advantage. Your brain, your body, and your leadership performance will thank you.

Put the mask on you first, prioritise your sleep and thrive again!

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