What is my body telling me?

In this blog, learn to understand the feedback your body is giving you.

Every day we consume different foods made up of many different ingredients. These ingredients break down into bits of data that are like little messages to your body, your organs, your brain, your mood, your energy levels.

Sometimes these messages are great and help to build you up from the inside out. Yet, sometimes, they simply don’t work well with your body and do the opposite. When these get really bad they can become intolerances or allergies. However, even before that stage, some ingredients can still have negative impacts on your body, your energy and your mind.

They can make you feel gassy, groggy, sleepy, moody or even blah! (technical term).

So how do you know which ingredients might be helpful to you and which ones won’t?

If you have some symptoms that really need looking into, then you can’t go past doing an elimination diet and slowly re-introducing ingredients back into your diet one at a time.

However, this blog is more about broadly finding out what seems to agree with you and what doesn’t.

When I did this exercise a few years back, I discovered that having pasta made me really sleepy and groggy. In fact, having a carb heavy lunch (sandwiches, rolls, noodles, sushi) made me feel the same way. I also noticed having a dessert or some form of sugar gave me an immense crash as well.

So why is it most corporate or conference lunches these days are full of sandwiches, muffins and cakes. I struggle with these types of lunches as I know I won’t be great in the afternoon. Yes, I am now the one picking out the inside of sandwiches if there are no alternatives!

Grab your PDF and give it a go

By filling out the form below, I’ll send you the simple worksheet that will help you listen to what your body is telling you.

I have based this worksheet PDF from a great programme I completed called “Unstoppable” by Ben Angel.

It’s really easy to use and after you’ve done two weeks straight, you’ll definitely start to see some patterns evolving.

Hint: You might want to set an alarm on your phone for half to one hour after each meal to remind yourself to fill out your worksheet. I know I struggled to do this to begin with and an alarm certainly helped me.

I’m sure you’ll find the results fascinating.

It’s a great first step in being able to learn the language of your body and then to act in accordance to the feedback it’s giving you.

Put the mask on yourself first, listen to your body and thrive again!


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