Boost your A game:The 3 essential movement pillars

Yoga with child

This month I’ve been focusing on moving our bodies. Exercise, or movement as I prefer to call it, is often buried under heaps of responsibilities, deadlines, and stress. Even though it’s a critical component of overall wellbeing both for the body and mind. So in the plethora of opportunities out there to move your behind off your chair, what should you focus on? You’ve got limited time, so what would give you the best return on that time investment?

I have found with clients and friends that many have missed the memo that our bodies crave three distinct types of movement: strength, flexibility, and cardio. These three hold the keys to a life brimming with energy, resilience, and vitality long into old age. And unlike my children who think old age is my age (roll eyes here)….I’m talking into our 70s, 80s, and 90s!

So, welcome to the third blog in our movement series, where we're about to shed light on this vital triad.

1. Flexibility; embracing age with grace

As we journey through the ever-evolving landscape of our professional lives, we often forget that our bodies, too, undergo transformations. One key aspect that tends to slip under the radar is flexibility. You see, flexibility isn't just about touching your toes or doing impressive splits ( I wish!); it's about embracing age with grace and maintaining the freedom to move effortlessly.

Picture this: You're about to pitch a game-changing idea, and suddenly, your back decides to throw a fit. Ouch! It's not only distracting but also a total buzzkill. As we age, our bodies tend to get a bit stubborn, becoming less flexible and more prone to aches and pains. That's where flexibility workouts come into play. Regular stretches are like WD-40 for your joints and muscles.

Some great flexibility workouts to consider include yoga (particularly yin yoga), pilates, stretching routines, tai chi, and dance.

2. Cardio; Fueling your energy engine

Now, let's dive into the world of cardio. It's not just about pounding the pavement or endless hours on a treadmill; it's about fueling your energy engine and staying razor-sharp.

Our cardiovascular system requires a little extra TLC as well. Regular cardio exercises are like a life-extending elixir. They bolster heart health, boost oxygen flow to your brain, and enhance overall stamina. This isn't just about breaking a sweat; it's about priming yourself to face life's challenges and opportunities (like that long extended holiday adventure you are dreaming about) with boundless vitality.

Imagine this scenario: You're at a high-stakes negotiation, and it's a marathon session. Hours pass, but your energy remains unwavering. That’s right…no brain fog! That's the power of a well-maintained cardiovascular system. It keeps your brain firing on all cylinders, enabling you to make sharp decisions and articulate your ideas with unwavering confidence.

Here are some ideas for you to consider for cardio health; running, cycling (on and off road), swimming, Interval training (HIIT), and rowing.

3. Strength; empowering your body and mind

Strength training is not just about bulging biceps or lifting heavy weights (although my 17 year old would argue it is!); for me it is about empowering your body and mind, a priceless asset.

As we grow wiser, maintaining strength becomes increasingly vital. It's not just about looking strong; it's about being strong enough to handle life's demands. Strong muscles and joints help us maintain a robust metabolism, bone density, and stability. This isn't about vanity; it's about retaining the physical and mental fortitude that's critical for thriving in all aspects of life.

So let’s say you're on that family hiking trip you’ve been looking forward to for ages. The young or not so young kids are bouncing along the trail. You’re navigating steep trails and rugged terrain. Your strength isn't just for show; it's your reliable companion, ensuring you can conquer the path with ease, create unforgettable memories, and lead by example for generations to come.

Some great strength training exercises include; bodyweight training, functional strength workouts (like squats and lunges) kettlebell workouts, rock climbing, fitness classes like crossfit and circuit training.

In a nutshell, these three movement pillars—flexibility, cardio, and strength—are your keys to not just surviving but thriving in the demanding world you've chosen.

Take a moment now to reflect on your current movement routine. Are you nailing all three pillars? Are you giving your body the love it needs to keep you at your A-game, today, tomorrow and into the next phase of your life?

Put the mask on you first, embrace the vital triad and thrive again!

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