Putting the mask on you first: Morning routines

You know the safety routine on the aircraft. If the cabin loses pressure and masks drop down. Fit the mask on you first before helping others (even children!). Because if you don’t, you’ll pass out and you will be no use to anyone, putting at risk those around you. This is such a useful analogy for life too. If we don’t put the mask on ourselves first, we will actually pass out, or burn out and then what use are we to ourselves, to our lives to our family and friends? And yet, when do we actually put ourselves first? Who has the time for that??

This has been one of my greatest struggles, putting myself first, but I’ve discovered that putting myself first is actually selfless not selfish! Over the years I’ve discovered some great ways to get over myself and put myself first, which I want to share with you over this month.

This week we are going to kick it off with morning routines. I came across this when my children were quite small and I had NO time for me. It’s been a constant rock for me through all of life’s changes and challenges and I’ve adapted it as I’ve gone along. In this blog, we will explore why morning routines are particularly beneficial for you, how to establish an effective routine, and elements you can incorporate to maximise your mornings.

Why Morning Routines are so important:

Your days are often filled with meetings, deadlines, and countless responsibilities. By carving out time for a morning routine, you create an oasis of self-care and preparation that allows you to approach the day with focus, clarity, and confidence. You literally do set yourself up for success. Here's why I found morning routines so beneficial:

  1. Peaceful Mindset: Mornings provide a calm and undisturbed atmosphere amongst the chaos, offering a precious opportunity for you time, mindfulness, setting positive intentions. What can I say, it’s literally some peace!

  2. Self-Care is selfless not selfish: As I said, putting the mask on you first, before your kids, your partner, your work is easier said than done, I know!! By indulging in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, you energise yourself and enhance your overall wellbeing getting you ready for the world.

  3. Productivity Boost: Morning routines set me up for a productive rest of my day. By accomplishing meaningful tasks early on, you establish a sense of accomplishment and momentum that carries through your day.

Setting Yourself up for a Morning Routine: Now that you understand the significance of morning routines, let's dive into how you can establish one that suits your unique needs and lifestyle:

  1. Define Your Goals: Reflect on what you want to achieve and how your morning routine can support those goals. Do you seek more energy, mental clarity, or personal growth? Be clear about your intentions. I wanted to find slow down, actually spend time with myself alone and get my movement in for the day. At one point I was studying as well, so I wanted to fit that in.

  2. Create a Realistic Schedule: Consider your existing commitments and design a routine that fits your lifestyle. Start small. Try waking up a little earlier each day, gradually allowing yourself more you time. I wake up now every morning at 6am and get into my routine without thinking. When I was studying I did wake up at 5.30am.

  3. Optimise Your Environment: Prepare your space the night before to streamline your morning. Lay out your clothes, pack your bag, and organize your workspace. I have my iPad ready to do some morning pages (journaling on the DayOne app), my meditation app ready and my gym gear.

  4. Get your mind ready: Just like in Atomic Habits, a great hack is to habit stack. In other words connecting up one habit with the next. I say to myself “I wake up and do my morning pages, then I meditate and then I get up and do my yoga or walk or whatever movement I feel like". Then I just follow the plan I’ve set. Saying it allowed the night before really helps.

Morning yoga

Elements to Include in Your Morning Routine: Now, let's explore some key elements that can make your morning routine both fulfilling and effective:

  1. Mindfulness Practices: Begin your day with meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling to cultivate a positive mindset and reduce stress. As I said, I do morning pages for 15mins and then 10-20mins meditation. I started with 3mins meditation by the way! Work up to it slowly.

  2. Physical Activity: Engage in a workout, yoga session, or a brisk walk to get your blood flowing, increase energy levels, and boost your mood. I’m learning how to jog at the moment and using the app “Couch to 5K”. Fun and easy to get some cardio work in.

  3. Nourishing Breakfast: Fuel your body with a nutritious meal if you are having breakfast. Remember, protein and good fats will set you and your brain up with energy.

  4. Learning and Personal Growth: Dedicate time to reading (fiction or non) or listening to inspiring podcasts that promote personal development, professional growth, or industry knowledge. I studied my international health coaching every morning for a year and loved that time with my cup of tea!

  5. Prioritise Tasks: If you haven’t done this the night before then Identify the most important tasks for the day and create a to-do list. Most importantly though, put time in your calendar to complete that list. If it’s not in the calendar it won’t happen. Prioritising tasks early on ensures you tackle them with focus and efficiency.

A peak into my morning routine: Ok so what have I landed on? This works for me now but it was very different when the kids were young. I even incorporated movement with them. I encourage you to trial different things to see what is right for you right now. The important thing here is consistency. A little every single day. Here is what I roughly follow.

6.00am - Morning Pages
6.20am - Meditation
6.40am - Movement (I love doing yoga with
7.15am - Get ready
7.45am - Breakfast
8.15am - Ready for the day.

Final thoughts and tips:

  • Start small. Pick one thing and do that for one month. Even if it’s 3mins of mediation, which is how I started. Just do one thing and do it daily. Then when you are ready add something to it or extend the time.

  • Do one thing for you regardless. Life can throw things in, an early morning breakfast meeting, an overnight conference, a sick child. If you are doing more than one routine in the morning, pick the one you really don’t want to drop and do that one regardless. If you are doing one thing, do it and maybe reduce the time. Some days I only have time for a 5min mediation or a quick paragraph in my journal and that’s ok! It’s more about you showing up for you. Protect some time for you always. Mask on your first!

  • Be ready to push through. There are still some mornings where my mind is saying ‘Get another 20mins sleep, you don’t need this, I can’t be bothered, is this really making any difference?’. You will NEVER regret giving time to you, Tell your inner voice, thanks but I’m doing this anyway.

  • Don’t reach for your phone. This is where the mind is most relaxed and creative. Give yourself time for it to run free rather than feeding it stuff from your social streams or even emails.

Put the mask on yourself first, get a morning routine going and thrive again!

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Putting the mask on you first: Living to your values.


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